



The sun is setting on the eternal City. The benevolent Ceasar has anounced a long series of bloody Games in the Colliseum. The finest Gladiators in Italy have been hired at the cost of out glorious leader. The Plebians rejoice with gratitude to their devine emperor. Hordes of slaves, common people, and patricians are already flocking to the giant amphitheatre. The glorious Praetorian Guard has already taken up positions all around the Circular Arena.

All Hail our Devine Emperor Coldy!

All games are Rome vs. Rome
The Tourney will be devided into four groups: 
The Mirmillo, the Samnites, the Velite, and the Thracians 

Each house will have four players headed by one member of the council:
Coldy will head the Mirmillo group.
Ptolemy will head the Samnite group.
Saracean will head the Velite group.
GreatWhite will head the Thracian group.   
Battle Details
Each group will contain four players. Other clans may sign up incase we need additional players. Games will be set up like this for each group:

1. Player #1 v Player #4
2. Player #2 v Player #3
3. Player #4 v Player #3
4. Player #2 v Player #1
5. Player #1 v Player #3
6. Player #2 v Player #4

More Information can be found on the forum:

Ultimate Gladiator Forum

Battlefield Stats:

-All matches on grassy flatlands, calm weather,
-Money will be set to 15k
-Each player will play everyone in his or her division twice
-At the end of each game the replay must be sent in for point counting

Other  Info

If one/two/or three players tie in number of victories there number of kills will determine rank. All games are Rome v Rome, max 5 units. All other rules can be determines individually by the players.
After the groups Ptolemy will decide the matches for the quarter Finals. The four victors in this round go on to the semi-finals. The victors in this round meet for the FINALS! The winning player will receive a special rank and much honor.